why penguins suck, the maize rage, and the origins of Panchero's: The Board Game...
i made the last entry thinking i would talk about how i got that box from pancheros, but then in my infinite wisdom realized that i had already posted about it in the entry prior to that one. yeah, im definitely losing it. anyway, the box is now safely among such treasured items at the tank such as the giant alligator gar head, the double chalices of doom, the braylon edwards signed football, the charlie brown & co pillow case, and the official muppets postage stamps (i am sure there is more, but you get the idea).
it was funny because yesterday a lot of people saw me with the panchero's box, and today it led to some further discussion. as you may recall i left it in the lab since it was pouring the day before and i didnt want it to get destroyed on the way home. well today several of my labmates asked 'what is up with the panchero's box?' and/or 'how many burritos did you buy???'. i must admit the thought of the box full of burritos makes me quite happy...what a great party item or gift for ME for christmas!
an interesting line of thought was started when i was 'showing off' the box to my friend/archnemesis, rakhi, this afternoon. she said she saw me with it yesterday and wondered if i had somehow gotten a hold of 'Panchero's: The Board Game'. although i usually get crazy comments from that direction, i really did think it would be sweet if it was indeed a board game! imagine, you have all these miniature burritos you have to make at various times during the day, opening time, lunch rush, dinner, bar closing, halloween, etc...and you had to keep up with the demand in order to progress through the game...maybe even use some of their punch cards and learn some spanish along the way. well, most of you have stopped reading by this point, but for those of you who are still with me, i commend you.
needless to say, i discussed the idea further and left the building and fellow (now estranged) labmates and former friends thinking i was even stranger than before.
and now onto the penguins. i HATE penguins. these feelings were further elicited by all the conversations going on in late summer/early fall about people going to see that ridiculous march of the penguins movie and how great it was. now, i will admit i have not seen the movie, but damon (knowing my distaste for these aquatic flightless mutants of the avian world) assured me that one day i would wake up tied to a chair with my eyes taped open and march of the penguins playing on a TV in front of me (think of it as my own personal game from the movie 'saw'). now THAT gives me nightmares.
i dont care how long it takes them to march from here to there, or how special it is that azeem narrates the film. i am, however, looking forward to bob saget's spoof of the movie, which should come out in a few months.
penguins are dumb. sure the emperor species may look kind of cool, and after all, they are named emperor (see darth sidious, emperor scorpions, for why the term is cool) but they are still dopey swimming mistakes for vertebrates. i would be happier if they showed a great white or even an orca eating some of them during the film...at least that would have shown some realism or at least some predation. perhaps they could have at least shown a yak.
billy madison hated penguins, and i thought that greatly contributed to why i dislike them so much. if you aren't familiar with this reference then you have no taste in movies, and coming from me that means a lot seeing as i exercise virtually no discretion in my movie viewing (see earlier entry regarding 'in the mix'). those penguins were always causing trouble.
but thats not where it came from originally. during one of damon and my many pseudo-philosophical talks on the way to and from miami a couple weeks ago i finally figured it out. Mario Kart 64...
it's late and i'm tired, this will be continued tomorrow, good night <:><
pics from the outing to crisler arena tonight; it was my first UM basketball game and it was a lot of fun...not to mention great to see us kick the crap out of Miami AND come away from the Michigan stadium direction with a feeling of victory instead of those various home games this season -