"rescue me..."
i will take this opportunity to share an interesting comment i got from gwen referring to the lapse in entries as of late, at least i found it humorous:
"i kind of wonder what you guys did over the last couple days, but the 5 sentence blog update for the last 9 days really didn't give me much to work with... just thought I'd throw that out there..."
i don't know exactly why, but i found that humorous. we'll also eventually get to "club gwendoline" and why it's "the hypest spot on the internet"...
all that being said, it has been quite a while since a normal update, so here goes...with bullets:

anyway, its interesting what sorts of things create checkpoints or landmarks in memory and personal timelines. upon watching the opening titles of tonight's episode and listening to the music, i was immediately flashed back to this past summer, around july, when hal had told me about the show and highly recommended it. i was skeptical, but soon found myself renting all of the first season and watching them almost back-to-back. i also eventually got damon and james sucked into it as well. it was a very different time for me, and The Tank in general. it seems so long ago, but was only 11 months ago. it was even before the first tank party, and i was still in the process of moving and sorting a lot of random stuff out. either way, i had "Rescue Me" to get me through all the crap and insanity, and it was a welcome distraction to say the least. anyone else get flashed back like that at the sight or sound of a mere TV show or song? i figure it's a pretty common phenomenon.
watching the show today made me think about things similarly for the present...things have been somewhat crazy as of late, and the future is relatively uncertain...but at least i have Tommy Gavin and the cast of Rescue Me on Tuesdays to help move things along.

we all know (and i know this very well too) that a fish is not a dog, and attachment to such things is somewhat different, but i would be lying if i said the atmosphere here at The Tank and amongst the fish crew wasn't happier since his arrival. i think he easily reclaims the position of most popular fish at The Tank for the Australian lungfish...some of damon's saltwater fishes were getting a lot of attention as of late, but we all know that those fishes are a bunch of dysfunctional pansies (for the most part).

either way, we're training norton to get much more used to people...he's prominently placed and in a highly trafficked area of The Tank, so he'll get plenty of human interaction (as well as interaction with those of us who live here). i'll also be taking him out of his tank to watch various shows of my choosing, such as Seinfeld, The Family Guy, and maybe even the extremely latenite marathons of "Parental Control" on MTV (seriously, that show is on for HOURS into the night...i know a lot of you out there know this to be true).
i should also at least mention how Norton got his name as there is some relevance to this, as well as a fish history & classic tv connection. ralphie was named after ralph wiggum's son on the simpsons, as well as what they call 'dumb' things in Australia...so it was fitting. i'm not going to lie, these fish look like they couldn't survive in a protective water-filled bubble...they seem hopelessly helpless but also remind one of a puppy. crazy that a fish elicits this sort of response from most people. anyway, other names in the running were dopey, ralphie II, and frank. in the end, norton seemed most fitting (thanks seema), and as i later found out (thanks to double D), norton was the name of one of the two whale sharks at the georgia aquarium...what was the name of the other one? ralphie. therefore it was perfectly appropriate here. double D also pointed out that these names were significant and actually were reference to characters from the old TV show "The Honeymooners"...for me, it was good enough that the name fit and was connected to other fishes, but knowing a bit of TV history is interesting too. especially if i ever find myself watching "nick at night" back at home with my sisters like we did during the summers about a decade ago. good times.

ok just a few other comments since i know this is already epic-length:
- we determined this weekend that sarah's car, the spearmint civic, is in fact actually made of gum.
- gwen really isn't any more indian than me...of course it took sarah being present to help establish this. seriously, we're back on the same level. we can all continue the debate at IHOP.
- for AJ: it's "soquid" not "fliquid." what's next? a "knork?" a "fnife?"
- apparently running/biking/swimming on a regular basis does not guarantee health...damon has done all these things pretty consistently over the past year, yet has been sick about 20 times this year compared to my zero...yeah, and i went running maybe 10 times this year. i plan on doing more, but we'll see. hopefully he's still alive when i decide to do a triathlon with him some day.
- from this point on the state of new hampshire shall be referred to only as "the shire," don't ask questions, that's just the way it is. although perhaps all new england states could be lumped together as one...the US map on our refrigerator seems to think this is a good idea.
- i have decided to read some books this summer...i started with the latest X-men comics...ok that's a lie, i actually only started by seeing X-men 3 in theaters, but that still counts doesn't it? poisonwood bible here i come...well, it's either that or the rest of the 1st season of robot chicken on double D's xbox.
- contrary to Andrea's recent comment: "solomon, we all know you don't REALLY like baseball" damon and i will be going to see the Tigers play the Red Sox this friday (i will be cheering for the Tigers...). i figure i should be able to handle this, that and we all know it's usually an adventure when damon and i head out in public. which reminds me, i have actually been considering picking up "Fever Pitch" on dvd. yes, i'm a sucker when it comes to movies (also reference the first bullet "flashbacks" earlier in this entry...that is, if you are still with me at this point).

well it's now 5:30am...time for bed. good night and good luck <:><
"The Adventure" - Angels and Airwaves
"Miles Apart" - Yellowcard