ok, i was doing so well with all the updates, and then this whole 'job' thing started up, and i now realize what the rest of you go through on the weekdays. yeah, there's virtually no time, and at the end of the day you're kinda tired...and knowing you have to get up early (again) the next day does not make you want to stay up, go out, etc etc. well, i struggled with the getting up early for work thing, but i didn't let it keep me from staying up (1-2am is still early for me, but still probably 'staying up late' for most of you).
those factors coupled with the fact that we had events such as the 4th of july, an indian movie theater outing (part II), a couple going away outings, and the general mayhem at The Tank led to a drop in blog updates and my broad-spectrum laziness right now. hence, i am just going to update with a bunch of random pics and captions. i have plenty more to write about, but as usual i think i'll just fall behind with that stuff until i just forget about it. maybe i'll insert a random bullet in this entry just for the heck of it. hope the rest of you are enjoying what is now the second half of the summer...and (gasp!) second half of 2006!!!

of course we had to have fireworks on the 4th...we were all really beat by the time we got back to The Tank (what with the Koi Mil Gaya viewing the previous night, the early reveille to make it to Novi to see Krrish -second time for me-, and then the resulting quest for food) so we set off what we had off the deck, and then luckily our neighbors spent hundreds of dollars on real fireworks so we just watched them set off an impressive lightshow after that. good times. note: in spite of the tiki torches i was still being eaten by bugs. dangit.

although i think i'm perfectly capable of selecting my own hindi movies at this point (that's right folks, i think i am pulling ahead of my instructors in this area) i still take suggestions and donations. rashmi told me i would probably like 'kaal' which is about a group of people who go into a wildlife park where there are supposedly man-eating tigers. definitely different from the usual hindi movies i have been watching, but entertaining nevertheless. that and i happen to like
laura dutta and

two troublemakers at connor's. there's a story i'd like to eventually share about the indian food lunch outing today to gwen's parents place, but i'll do that at another time. let's just say that the food was VERY VERY good and i think i'm still full! i know we'll be heading back at some point in the future, especially since certain parties were in norcal this time around. haha missed out! oh, and i ALMOST got my drug kangaroo, but that too is a different story (and has somewhat evolved into a tale of a mythical beast).

double D, damon, and myself partake in an 'irish car-bomb' in tribute to double's fallen fish, 'tiggy II'. it was sad but a fitting way to say goodbye. RIP tiggy II, given the way norton and the original
tiggy get along at The Tank, i'm sure tiggy II and ralphie will get along and keep each other company in that big fish tank in the sky. also note that damon can no longer take a 'normal' picture.

i'll write more about this later (an entry that has been a long time coming, but i've been too lazy/busy to write, but covers a lot of people, etc) but in the continuing exodus of people leaving the collegiate oasis of ann arbor, it was anandhi's time to go. we all got together at dominick's the night before her departure for one last official outing with my 'sister' and fellow 'we're paranoid when there's too many indians around' team member. case western is not that far away, so we'll definitely be expecting to see hal and AJ around A2 somewhat frequently, and you can bet we'll be making a trip or two to the infernal buckeye state to visit.

even through a fence jeevan can cause trouble. he was in the process of jumping up against the barrier when i took this pic. someday he will be ready to unleash upon my enemies. stay on my good side. shoot, he'll probably kill me first.

at rashmi's 'going away...to india' get-together at connor's, we were able to mix things up with the d-school crew (could
they be the successors to the SPH crew? what about the med school people? or how about the panchero's staff? tune in this fall...). i hadn't been able to catch up with
sonya and josh for quite some time, so it was nice to hang out. josh and i loosely discussed a general dislike of vegetables and assorted produce, and sonya confirmed my grandma's 'secret' plans to get me married when i make my trip to india.

double D took this pic while driving by damon, gwen and myself eating at the parthenon on main street. he had to take off early for a band performance. luckily the streets were pretty dead on the 4th or he may have taken out a few pedestrians while trying to snap a shot. oh, and for the record, i HATE eating outside. at least most of the time (there are certain occasions when i like it). either way, the bugs, the wind, the heat, UGH. luckily i was starving to the point where other external conditions (other than presence of food) did not matter.

rashmi & me at Connor's for her 'going away...to india' get-together. although she'll be in the homeland of bollywood, we both are figuring there is no way she'll catch up to my current hindi movie-viewing status. i've come a long way since november! ...and i have a lot of people to blame. too bad this job has started slowing me down a bit :P

speaking of my job...i snapped this pic of my desk (in the office i share with one other guy...luckily who i know from UM and is pretty cool). i know what you're thinking...'does he just drink from his nalgene and stare at that gar background all day???' ...well the truth is...shut up! no. this was friday before i was taking off, so i cleaned up all the many papers and journal articles that cluttered my desk. outside the massive pile of random papers and books in my room, i seriously cannot stand clutter. it makes me angry. i think i need some sort of medication for it. tomorrow i'll be moving on to do more lab work. i must say, they got me an office, computer, key-card, etc faster than anywhere else i have worked...perhaps the government (my job is at USGS) is somewhat competent at some level.

group shot of the non-d-school folks at connor's. i must have been sitting down or something, because i am not that short...i don't know about gwen though :P note: this was probably the last normal picture that damon will ever take.

double D took this random shot while were in line for some 'limca' (indian pop version of squirt)...definitely good stuff, and comes in a tremendously thick glass bottle. you could kill someone with this bottle. i should know... anyway, i need to get at least one of each of these movie posters. i don't know where i would keep them since i was told sometime back that movie posters on the wall are not cool anymore...or at least that i'm too old for them (hence my walls are generally bare, until i get the motivation to put up all the fish posters). on a similar note, the debate over whether fish shower curtains are appropriate or not wages on. i found out that damon and james recently got one for their bathroom. i used to have one back at the spicetree place, and am now considering getting one for mine...in spite of said debate with certain parties, this is The Tank, and we've already overdone it with the fishes, what's one more item??? i digress.

group shot from anandhi's going away outing to dominick's. surprisingly i had not been here in several weeks! of course we all had to reminisce back to this spring where some of us were here SEVERAL times a week...good times.

me with some of the d-school crew at connor's...(L-R) rashmi, me, stacy, AJ, ben. interesting facts: stacy is working on periodontis disease this summer but finds it somewhat boring, AJ generally can't take a picture without pointing into the frame, and ben was a former parasitology student of mine as well as a fellow pancheros fanatic.

when my mom was showing rachel and i around the garden a couple weeks back, rachel started freaking out and pointed to this giant moth on the fence...i was pretty excited as i had not seen one of these in years...a Luna moth,
Actias luna, which happens to be my favorite moth. what's what you say? you don't have a favorite moth? how can
you get a favorite moth? why do
I have a favorite moth? rachel already had started making fun of me at this point. but just for reference (as if most of you need to be told), i was a nerd from the beginning. i had all the dinosaur, reptile, amphibian, and insect books at the school library pretty much memorized by the time i was in kindergarten/first grade. i think i knew binomial nomenclature before long division...or any division for that matter. all part of why i would not make the greatest doctor...i'd seriously get bored from dealing with the same species all the time!
as for the Luna moth, i took several pics (such as the one above) and then let the animal be. some of you may recognize the luna moth as the main icon for the drug 'lunesta'. sarah and i have talked about this on a couple occasions...we both think we may need it from time to time, because we incessantly go over 'to-do' lists in our heads before falling asleep...but doesn't everyone? i dunno. i need to get to sleep now anyway.
next time i'll talk about how double D will soon be president of the "thank you
Jadoo" fan club, apparent similarities between all indian parents, the drug kangaroo, why rachel may be able to time travel, and (related to the time-travel story) why russell peters is hilarious.
good night kids <:><
music:"Leave the Pieces" - The Wreckers (this is Michelle Branch's new project)"Haila Haila" - Koi Mil Gaya soundtrack