Monday, October 03, 2005

a breath of lab...???

well i just wanted to report that i am actually OUT of the dungeon for most of the day and have moved up to the main dana building (SNRE) computer lab. there was NO ONE in the dungeon today when i got there, except for my friend/labmate matt who was only there for about 15 minutes. there was no way i was going through an entire monday in that lab by myself...even with my iPod shuffle, my copy of the Daily (featuring UM's win against MSU), and the friendly GIS program that likes to shut down on me at random intervals.

i went up and visited my friend brenda, and she thought it was funny how much interaction with humans (or maybe just living things) that i need. maybe its not just that i'm usually social director/coodinator/etc, and that i'm responsible for planning stuff for other people, but that i'm also dependent on things like this. let's hope i never end up in prison and solitary confinement or in the same situation as tom hanks in castaway; yikes!

the nice thing about this computer lab is that there are always people moving through and a lot of 'ambient conversation' as opposed to the dead silence of the dungeon. that and i'll run into more people i know (my friend Hal just stopped by). i am also able to work on more of my own research which i need to finish up over the next couple months. now, with all of that (and a very busy work-week) in mind, it's scary that i'm already planning out the social events for the latter part of the week and weekend in my head. we have the SNRE campfire on friday which should be fun...this year we WILL win the wader races (i know i could take out anyone individually, but our team will need to step up -- ok the competition talk can be saved for another time).

back to work, at least this computer lab much better for us socially-dependent types. <:><


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