a venue of some importance...

all that being said, i've come to be quite opinionated on which places in the fair city that i like, dislike, and would like to see go out of business (*cough* big ten burrito). one of the places that i have only recently realized falls into the gray area is a little establishment on state street known as ashley's. now, most people that know me well, know that i complain about ashley's and will tell most people to steer clear of it...because of the expensive menu (not worth the prices in most cases), the lousy service (generally speaking), and the small capacity (i generally REFUSE to wait in line at this place...because it's NOT worth it)...BUT, i realize that in retrospect, some of my fondest memories and most important conversations have taken place at this very venue, and somehow have not taken place at 'favorite' venues of mine (like dominick's, rick's, panchero's, fish doctor's, bw3, or bab's...although i still really like those places, and will normally go there before ashley's on any day).
maybe it's because i'm not distracted by the menu (since i normally get the same thing all the time), or that those accompanying me like it so much that it doesn't bother me as much. i don't know. i even had a birthday there one year (i believe it was 2003), the first biofishlab meetings/reunions took place there, and i've had several 'deep' discussions/conversations (covering everything; fish, friends, food, relationships, family, religion, harry potter, gum, fish, The Tank, and fish) with good friends there. oh, did i mention that the place is really smokey and no matter where you sit, you may as well be smoking the cigarette yourself?
regardless, i can pinpoint several key conversations and decisions made to this little hole-in-the wall establishment...i hate it and love it at the same time.

perhaps the real truth is that when you're with a good friend or friends, the venue doesn't really matter; but since i'm cursed with a very detailed memory (not always as handy as you may think) the venue at any given moment in time still comes to mind. i was there just a couple nights ago and an hour of time spent quickly somehow turned into 3. i was there last monday with double D and we were there for about the same amount of time. a month ago i saw off some friends of mine for what will probably be a long time (former fish lab students that eventually became good friends).

in the end, i don't think there's any magic to ashley's, but perhaps just coincidence which has turned into consistency. i'm not going to stop going there no matter how much i complain about it (though i won't go there every weekend either), and i'm sure i've had and will continue to have great times with people at a lot of other places. still, i found it peculiar...and double D and i even discussed that...at Ashley's. i think dave's right, "turns out not where, but who you're with that really matters."

"The Best of What's Around" - Dave Matthews Band
"Roobaroo" - Rang De Basanti soundtrack