Thursday, September 08, 2005

Publishing and Procrastination...

well i started off the day planning on getting a lot of work done...well i got a lot of stuff done, but i don't know if i would call it truly working or not. i didn't end up going into the office today and took time to work on things at home as well as make a late morning trip out w/ damon so he could pick up his new blood shrimp (i'll get a pic as soon as the stupid -but cool- thing comes out of hiding)!

i also now have a ton more space to myself in the new apartment (that is kind of another story) and so i took some time to unpack some boxes and get a bit more settled in to my room. i think the entire moving process has taken close to 5 months now; yeah, TONS of FUN.

in other news the article i did for TFH (Tropical Fish Hobbyist) magazine is now out (i've heard people say they picked it up at borders, barnes & noble, etc) so if you are interested in learning a bit about the tropical gar (as i know you are all dying to do) feel free to pick up the issue or let me know and i can get you one since i have a few extra copies. i am pretty excited about the whole thing since i was able to write about something i am really interested in, and this is by far the biggest fish magazine in the world. the scary thing is there may be more to come...

here is a link to the magazine site as well as a pic of the issue along with the opening image of the gar:i guess i should be getting to work on a talk i need to give about the article/subject next week, but i have at least until sunday to do that...and we all know weekend work should be left for sunday evenings.

some other random items from today:

-james, damon, and myself went grocery shopping together for the first time, this was at least somewhat entertaining, but not as much as james and myself (mainly james) making a pizza for dinner. that boboli crust is pretty good.

-ron called and let me know that he made it back safely last night in spite of a debacle at charley' least everyone was accounted for. except for when damon and i left james on campus yesterday afternoon, we normally leave no one behind and tend to make sure and walk people back home when appropriate.

-AJ and hal came over this evening (julia, next time transportation will be no excuse, haha) and we all watched Can't Hardly Wait and the first half of Super Troopers. i would like to point out that EVERYONE except ONE person thought CHW was hilarious and definitely a classic. i won't name names (not that that hasn't happened before) but this person apparently only likes the Fugitive and penguin movies (i'm a big fan of the former and refuse to see the latter).

-rachel called to let me know she checked out the blog but was puzzled as to how read sarah's comments...if you check out sarah's comment i suppose this incident speaks for itself. i told rachel to leave a response, but apparently there are still some technical difficulties. i do think the main focus of the call was primarily to arrange for a visit this weekend at some point, which should be fun depending on whether or not sarah forces us to go to Al Noor again.

-i do a lot more laundry now that we have machines in the house. this is much more convenient than having to leave the apartment building and do it (and pay outrageous prices) like at the old place, but not as easy as when mom would do it upon my visits home to ohio.

ok well that's about it for today, i think this is the earliest i have gotten to bed in a long time, and it probably won't happen again any time soon. tomorrow will be a LONG day of work and then some competitive sports in the evening. later <:><


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