Friday, February 10, 2006


how much can go wrong in one week at The Tank? let's see:

- one one-of-a-kind species of gar (only one known in the US, or really anywhere at this point in time) jumped out of the 270 gallon tank.

- one one-of-a-kind species of lungfish (only one known in the US) got sucked up into the siphon intake during a water change, and was effectively bent in half.

- and just tonight, one 50 gallon tank containing a relatively rare species of lungfish mysteriously sprung a leak (yet to be determined where exactly) and emptied COMPLETELY onto the basement floor (yes, that is FIFTY GALLONS).


luckily, by some miracle:

- the one of a kind species of gar that jumped out did so while all of us were home, and i heard the thrashing from upstairs and immediately ran downstairs. with the assistance of damon we got the fish back into the tank in a matter of less than a minute and the fish is now fine and acts like nothing happened. needless to say, the initial two hammers that served as weights on the tank covers are supplemented by 3 phone books and a toolbox until i can find more aesthetically pleasing weights.

- i came downstairs in time to find the rarest of rare lungfishes bent in half in the siphone tube and was able to rescue it. it seems to be doing fine and has returned to its normal routine as if nothing happened.

- before going to bed tonight, something told me that i should go downstairs and make sure everything was i walked from tank to tank with my flashlight (yes, i check on every individual when i do check on them) my socks got wet around a certain area. i immediately realized one of the tanks was leaking and damon ran down and we discovered that an entire 50 gallon tank (thank goodness it was freshwater, and therefore no major damage) had completely emptied onto the floor. the 3 congo tetras in the tank were dead on the gravel, but the lungfish in the tank was writhing around and still alive. we immediately transferred it to an open tank and shut off the heater and filter for the tank. we still arent sure exactly why the tank leaked, but will deal with that tomorrow.

all of this coupled with some massive casualties over the past 30 days have been quite taxing here at the tank. right now i'm too tired to get into much else, and since tomorrow will be consumed with the festivities of damon's birthday, i will have to report on them at a later time. nevertheless, my patience and persistence in this hobby has been greatly tested. thank goodness we have somehow managed to get through these insanely potentially tragic events (for the most part). good night, and hopefully this is the last i will have to report on this craziness for some time. <:><

congo tetra, three individuals of this species died in the 50 gallon tank leak incident

the character 'doomsday'...the villain that managed to kill superman


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